
Hookah Or Shisha

For people who don't know what shisha is, please read my previous blog entries or read it at wikipedia for more in depth. If you're too LAZY to do so even!; basically it's something like smoking, except that it is done by inhaling smoke from something like a hose and through a thin and tall, most-of-the-time glass container. It's becoming extremely popular in Malaysia and even sometimes that I either find myself being caught in a little something called 'peer pressure' or found out my buddies are into it as well...(it hurts me when I found out about it-like a knife being stab to your heart!).

"Have you tried shisha before?" says Antagonist.

"Er... no?" says Protagonist.

"Woah I can't believe it. You should try it someday!" replies Antagonist.

"Nah... it's okay. I'm not into smoking," says Protagonist (sticking to his/her principles).

"It's nothing like smoking! The smoke goes through water first so the water acts as a filter. So shisha-ing is not bad for your body," says Antagonist.

"Really?" says Protagonist, believing.

"Yup, and it tastes good too, with flavors and all. Nothing like smoking," says Antagonist.

"Uh-huh..." says the Protagonist.

Thus, it can be concluded from the conversation, that Antagonist is an IDIOT, and that the Protagonist is an even BIGGER IDIOT for (somewhat) eating up his/her words.

Honestly, how bad can the smoke be, right? (As you might say or think). It's already filtered with water and all, as claimed by many people. Or youngster, to be precise.

I know myself, and I know that I would never smoke. Maybe try a puff or two (the key word is try!-this is a deli ma face by mostly all), but never will I chain smoke or smoke to look cool or to please others. It's not worth it, having my lungs look like 2 black coral riffs to look cool. Looking cool is nothing. I'd prefer a more intelligent brain than my monkey brain. Thank you! =)

As time passes, some Malaysian youngsters discovered the almighty shisha, tried it and love it. Most people even think: "Wow, this is something like smoking, but I can do it without getting lung cancer!"

Now, this is a very naive thought or what I would say as deceiving own self. The Star newspaper has claimed that shisha is a wolf in a sheepskin. I do believe them, as how can smoke from burnt tobacco be good for you? Water cannot possibly filter everything, because if it can, shisha-smokers won't come to be, due to the absence of the chemicals in the 'smoke' inhaled. Haha =D. They'll instead stick to cigarettes, right?

The paper even went as far as claiming that shisha-ing is the same as smoking. There are kids out there that claim that they won't smoke, but would probably shisha as there won't be a chance of them contracting a lung disease or what-not, as shisha-ing is supposedly safe. Imagine how they would feel if they actually read the papers and find out that they are, in fact, smoking. They'd feel idiotic, I reckon. Maybe they'll feel emo, lock themselves in their rooms and sob. And paint their nails black. And listen to Simple Plan. And sing along...Nah! I doubt that would happen.

Why won't I smoke (or shisha)?

Well, first things first, smoking wasn't something that I will be EVER interested in. I HATE, DESPISE, SCORN, DETEST & LOATHE when I see people smoking, I don't really think of anything but the fact that the smoke spiraling up from the cigarette and of which they exhale really stings and stink. An eye sore as well! I usually run into these kind of people at restaurants, cafes, on the streets etc (you name it!) and I find it really appalling and disgusting that they can smoke whilst eating. Not only that, they can smoke in front of their own young children or their pregnant wife! (this is something that I, myself encounter as a child because my dad, uncles & dad's friend SMOKE!). If the baby comes out less than perfect, who's to blame? The idiotic smoker, obviously. They never think of others, man...

On top of it, these people like to act real cool and blow the cigarette smoke high above. The trick is to exhale sharply so that the smoke would travel further. So that when it gets caught in the fan people can inhale your 2nd-hand smoke and follow you into your grave. So that they'll look so cool, crossing their legs, wearing shades and smoking coolly.

So that they won't inhale their own 2nd-hand smoke, stupid! Better you than me, right? So I'll look cool and blow bubbles. Wee!

Immature smokers.

Secondly, why not shisha?

Because it's as bad as cigarettes. It's a hazard to your health. I'd stick to chocolate milk than inhale chocolate-flavored smoke. Call me weird, but at least I have principles. =P

One thing good about shisha is that people cannot smoke it everywhere. They can only smoke it at restaurants or strip clubs where they have it planted on the table and people take turns smoking it, sharing saliva and viruses in between. The only reason I would shisha is to spread the cough and flu virus my body's currently breeding. Mass production! Mass distribution! there is peace on earth. Obviously I won't do that as I'm not that kind of person-just voicing out (^_^)

So guys, the next time you want to smoke or pressure someone into smoking (or it's sibling, shisha-ing), think again. Just because you want to kill yourself slowly doesn't mean others would want to do the same.

It's the Deliciousdoubleswissmushroomcheeseburger theory of 'you laugh I laugh; you cry I cry; you jump I laugh'. Right? =P

A Little Note
To all of my friends whom I might know or not is smoking
Please don't take this to heart
As I'm just voicing out my thoughts and care for YOU ALL
This is my sincerity to all of you!
As you all know, I do still go out and hang out with you guys
despite all those bad and negative things you do

Agape & God Bless,
agnes yong mei mei

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